Trick Art Museum Concept

Home of wondrous illusions at the foot of Mount Takao....Welcome to the world of trick art!

The Takao Trick Art Museum, located at the foot of Mt. Takao west of Tokyo, opened in April, 1996.
The history of trick art is old, and dates back to about 2000 years ago. It had become an established art form by the time of the Renaissance era. The theme of the concept at the Takao Trick Art Museum is essentially the same as the illusionism of that era, namely creating the optical illusion that depicted objects really exist, instead of being just two-dimensional paintings. Surrounded by the rich natural environment of Mt. Takao, the museum is right across the road from Takaosanguchi Station on the Keio Line.
Whether covered in the first green of spring, or in glorious autumn colors, Mount Takao has something to offer in any season. Come and savor the rich and varied nature of Mount Takao, abandon your visual preconceptions, and have a fun time and memorable experience at the Trick Art Museum. Be ready to make fresh discoveries and to have your imagination challenged.

The fascinating trick art gallery is awaiting you!

Trick art

Trick Art Museum... a perfect blend of art and amusement

Trick art creates the illusion that depicted objects really exist and are not just two-dimensional paintings. It is a kind of tug-of-war between the artist and the observer. The desire to judge things and to observe them correctly is an innate human instinct. But the fact that humans also tend to harbor certain assumptions and preconceptions without even thinking about them, can also lead to the brain to make mistaken judgments about what the eye observes. This gives rise to sensory illusions. Trick artists make clever use of sensory illusions, while the observer subconsciously tries to “expose” them. Enjoying the excitement of trying to overcome this disparity is the real thrill that the Takao Trick Art Museum offers. It’s a fun and highly enjoyable experience for everybody.

Trick Art Museum offering the pleasure of being "deceived" and stimulating the brain

The results of recent studies from around the world indicate that looking at trick art can stimulate the human brain. Changes in the brain seem to be due to the excitement caused by the challenge to the basic human instinct of wanting to judge what is observed correctly.
For a fun and exciting time, put aside your preconceptions and come and enjoy the Takao Trick Art Museum. You are bound to make new discoveries.

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